May 27, 2004

The Importance of looking inside

One friend told me once - and I think I also read the same somewhere else - that the body was the best messenger for the soul.

I used to practice Taiji, where the Grandmaster - who came from time to time down to where I practiced - also insisted in feeling the body. He said that that was the only way the energy could be transmited.

I tried to put together some pieces yesterday, and started to experiment during my Hatha yoga classes. I focused on my being and from there I experienced my body and all the processes that where happening in each excercise.

I noticed too many things. The first one was how I moved my focus externally too many times ("how the others where performing"... "comparing", etc). However, as my attention started to remain focused inside, I started to feel Love... a big love and gratitude because God's energy was flowing trough my body... I felt "opened" to a higher state...

Today something simpler happend... I had a long time trying to correct the way I sit on my chair at work. I usually sitted upright, but gradually - and in a very short time - my body adopted a bad position again. Today I realized that I focused "externally" instead of trying to focus in my column by the moment of correcting my position... I focused on my coulmn now and voilá... I even feel fresher know...

I now wonder... how many things we try to correct from an external perspective - symptomatically for instance - instead of going inside and perform changes according to what we find?

I´m sure that this will be a huge change for me. It requires a lot of introspection and recording of the process - and definitively is an individual path each one will travel by themself.


May 21, 2004

Soy quien soy

En el discurso de la búsqueda de quien Soy hoy me veo aceptando definiciones externas acerca de mi... soy ingeniero, soy padre, soy hijo, soy hombre... soy feo, soy calvo... soy alto soy inteligente... muchos soy...

No obstante, cual es la verdad? realmente quien Soy?

En el evangelio segun Santo Tomas, un evangelio apocrifo encontrado en Nag Hamadi ( aparece una epistola de un evento que tambien esta citado en los Evangelios aceptados por la iglesia... Cristo reunido con sus discipulos les pregunta "y ustedes quien creen que Soy". Cada discipulo dijo algo diferente... Pedro dijo que Cristo era el Mesias... pero Tomas dijo "Señor yo no soy quien para decir quien eres tú" a lo que Cristo respondio acercandose a su oido y diciendo "yo soy el que soy".

Esta simple frase esta cargada de un gran significado para mi. Me habla que quien realmente Soy ... El que Es... el que realmente Existe.... todo lo demás son calificativos que confunden y roban el poder espiritual que tenemos inherente a nuestra naturaleza. Todo lo demás es el velo de Maya... o en el contexto de estos escritos, pertenece al Espacio. Si estamos concientes de esto, cada vez que escuchemos o usemos la palabra "soy" o "eres" podremos saber que cosas estamos aceptando llevar con nosotros, y discriminandolas podremos eliminar aquellas perjudiciales para nuestro roio camino hacia el Ser Consciente.

Eso es para mi entendimiento la Atención Vigilante de la que hablan los budistas... la discriminación desde el Ser de todo aquello de lo que nos rodeamos. De esta practica podremos concientizarnos de que construimos, y como podemos avanzar en nuevas direcciones.

Todo debe ser examinado.


May 13, 2004

Is there power in Choice?

For so many time I thouht that life came spontaneously, and then I was introduced to the power of Choice. We create everything that sourounds us. Sounds great!

However, what do we use in order to take a decision?. For me a decision in nothing more than the sum of several pre-existent factors, some of them are complex, other ones are more straight forward, but then the so called choice is nothing more that a product of beliefs, habits, perceptions and awarness.

My actual idea is that the real power lies in those parts of our selves that we use to take the decision, and not the decission itself. Then we should work counciously and mindfully in finding our real Self, our connection with the supreme, all the best of our selves, and better decissions will be the obvious product of this process. This remainds me Jesus words: Look first for the kindom and everything else will be given as an added-value.

When I start to witness my decission process, I realize that there are too many things that participate there: Habits, beliefs, emotions, feelings, memories. Here is where the concept of "The Space" came to me, since when I witness the process from my Self - the point of light - all this things seems to sourround me. They are present in that moment of decission pushing the rope to one side or other.

Normally it is too late when the moment arises and I´m not in the right councious state. Like machine, I add the factors and decide... not allways receiving the best results...

However, since I started to journal my day-to-day, in every aftermath I discover new things that have to be worked on... Ego manifestations that I used to take my decission. Then it is the moment to do something. To take actions in order to fix whatever needs to be fixed.

As the time passes, I identify that those things are really very few, not so many as I thought previously, and now I can like all of them to the WHO AM I dilema:

1. Having a feeling of need, poverty: This is the need of like and the poverty that comes from the absense of a continuos relationship with the supreme being. He is the source of all power, and going to him recharches me and make me feel complete.

2. Going too high, falling too deep: A wrong definition of myself. I´m not good, too good... bad wise or dump... Im a soul... PERIOD... How many time I use the word "I am " in a day and what follows that word? * This is a wonderful excercise to try *.

3. Looking too close at the blackboard: this prevents me from reading what has been written there. However, standing as a soul automatically detaches me from The Space, and I can even discover more aspects, specially the ego-related ones.

4. Qualifications... usually I discover a "because I am this..." or even worst "because she/he is that"... Im a soul... and everyone else is just the same... PERIOD.

I choose... what do I use to choose? This made me think about the buddist concept of samsara "the wheel of life", because each decission tailors the next ones... and "the chain of cause-effects" keeps going and going...

I know that the wheel is not going to stop because I´m aware of been a being of light... however what do I take from my interactions and what I leave will chage a lot... and just by avoiding qualifiying others at the moment of a decission the change can be seen...

Too many useless loads that have to be released...

OM SHANTI... I´m a being of light. You and me belong to the same place... and are together there.

May 12, 2004

Who am I

In the path of self discovery there are too many hints that try to help answering this question. The one that worked for me was Raja Yoga concept of being: we are a point of light.

I imagine an ocean of light. I imagine that ocean has a counciousness and calls himself God. However in that ocean every drop of water is aware of its existence. Every single drop is a Soul. Among those souls, there is one that remains pure, and that is the one the others recognize as the father. Why? because is the source of all purity and knowledge and allows the rest to reborn in purity after having a wordly experience inside The Space.

Following this idea, the soul, my Self, has the qualities of light. Its subtle, its pure, is silent. However, compared to the eternal bliss of its origen, The Space offers it a different experience, of movement, action and INDIVIDUALITY, and this drop likes it.

Why has been so difficult to achive the Soul-counciousness? i.e. the mental state in which one accepts himself as a soul? because the drugs of this experience: sensations and individuality are too attractive for us. However, as this experience keeps drawning our power, the world keep decaying.

Yes, all the power comes from the source trough every soul. As the souls get drained - because they disconnected from their truth by prefering The Space ALONE - the world gets far away from "Paradaise".

Is there any hope? It is now when the soul starts to look after God again. The only problem that remains is that it is looking for it in The Space, because it had forgotten who is God, and Who he (the soul) is.

Om Shanti... I´m (and you are) a being of Peace.

May 11, 2004

What is The Space?

In my path of Self-Discovery I experience my self as a point of light. A point of light that is traveling in this body experiencing the phisical world.

I´m sourrounded by The Space. This is the sum of all my perceptions, beliefs, senses. Everything I choose to have with me in my trip.

I got confused inside The Space, and with time I forgot who I was and the reason I was here.

The goal? redefine my Self and connect with the source, may I call it Father, from which I will remember everything I want to change in order to be me, again.

This Blog is a place to record my process. Everyone is invited to share here.

Our relationships are part of The Space. Your interactions are part of it, but we are tied together beyond it.

OM SHANTI... Peace.